Michael Cerchia picture of me

Email: michael.cerchia@maine.edu
Office: 236 Neville Hall
Department of Mathematics
The University of Maine

I am a (postdoctoral) Assistant Professor at the University of Maine. In August 2024, I earned my PhD in mathematics at Emory University, where I worked with David Zureick-Brown.
I am broadly interested in algebraic geometry and number theory, with specific interests in the arithmetic of moduli spaces, stacks, and modular curves.
My CV.

Papers and Projects

In Progress: The canonical ring of the moduli space of abelian varieties for genus up to 6
In Progress: Sporadic quartic torsion, with Alexis Newton
Section rings of Q-divisors on genus 1 curves arxiv, with Jesse Franklin and Evan O'Dorney, 2023
Uniform bounds on the image of the arboreal Galois representations attached to non-CM elliptic curves arxiv, with Jeremy Rouse, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2021


In Spring 2025, I am teaching MAT 463 (Introduction to Abstract Algebra) and MAT 127 (Calculus II).


In Fall 2021 and Spring 2022, I organized a seminar on automorphic forms in preparation for the Arizona Winter School.


In Summer 2023, I was an intern at MinedXai, where I developed a forex forecasting platform using tools from topological data analysis.